by Chris Duncan | Aug 28, 2019 | GISFaces News
GISFaces has been working diligently with our supported clients and legal team in regards to open source. We are very close to releasing GISFaces 2.0 under the Apache 2.0 license. GitHub repositories will be available for the library and examples on release. Be sure...
by Chris Duncan | Apr 25, 2019 | GISFaces News
GISFaces 2.0 Preview II GISFaces 2.0 is close to being released. There have been many changes over the past few weeks including supported layer types, Java object model additions, graphics layer editing, and refactored example maps. All of the ESRI layer types are now...
by Chris Duncan | Mar 19, 2019 | GISFaces News
GISFaces 2.0 Preview GISFaces 2.0 has been under heavy development for quite some time and is a complete rewrite from the 1.x version. As usual, it is based on the ESRI® ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.11 mapping engine. The major feature included is 3D mapping support....
by Chris Duncan | Feb 22, 2019 | GISFaces News
GISFaces 1.9.3 has been released. This release is a maintenance release and contains the following changes. Update the mapping engine to the current release of the ESRI® ArcGIS API for JavaScript, 3.27.Update build process to Maven from Ant. See the Examples page to...
by Chris Duncan | Nov 6, 2018 | GISFaces News
GISFaces 1.9.2 has been released. This release is a maintenance release and contains the following changes. Update the mapping engine to the current release of the ESRI® ArcGIS API for JavaScript, 3.26. Add new custom component gis:svg for custom SVG path rendering....