GISFaces 1.1.0 has been released and contains the following changes:

  • Officially support components within the component.
  • The events supported are "click", "extent", "select", "drag", and "geolocation".
  • The listener methods specified in will need to cast the event parameter to one of the new com.gisfaces.event classes.
  • These new event classes are MapClickEvent, MapExtentEvent, MapGeoLocationEvent, MapGraphicDragEvent, and MapSelectEvent.
  • The action and actionListener method bindings have been removed due to the new support.
  • The com.gisfaces.util.JSFUtilities class has been updated with a new render method.
  • com.gisfaces.util.JSFUtilities contains convenience methods for managed beans, navigation, method binding execution, etc.
  • The examples have been updated with the new functionality.


public void doMapSelectListener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event)
	MapSelectEvent e = (MapSelectEvent) event;

	String summary = "Map Select Event";
	String detail = String.format("Service ID='%s', Layer ID='%s', Layer Name='%s', Attributes='%s'", e.getServiceId(), e.getLayerId(), e.getLayerName(), e.getAttributesJson());

	FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, summary, detail);
	FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message);

See the Examples page for code listings and live examples.