GISFaces 0.9.2 has been released and contains support for graphics layer markers.

The example page and managed bean below show a single marker in a custom graphic service layer. In the service component, set the type attribute to “graphics” and set the model to a managed bean of type com.gisfaces.model.GraphicsModel. The GraphicsModel class contains a list of Markers, in which you can set the title, latitude/longitude coordinate, attributes, image url, and visibility.


Map attributes = new TreeMap();
attributes.put("City", "Jacksonville");
attributes.put("State", "Florida");

this.graphicsModel = new GraphicsModel();
this.graphicsModel.getMarkers().add(new Marker("Jacksonville, FL", 30.33, -81.66, attributes));

See the Examples page for full page and code listings and to run a live example.